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You-Zitsu Wiki
You-Zitsu Light Novel Volume 4
Book Data
 Authors Shōgo Kinugasa (Story)
Tomoseshunsaku (Illustration)
 Volume No. 4
 Series You-Zitsu
 Pages 328
 Cover Yōsuke Hirata
Kei Karuizawa
 Release Date May 25, 2016 (JP)
February 25, 2020 (EN)
November 21, 2019 (EN, Digital)
 ISBN 978-4-0406-8338-6 (JP)
978-1-64505-197-8 (EN)
 Manga Room 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
 Anime Episode 8 (partially), 13, 14, 15
 Previous Volume 3
 Next Volume 4.5
Character Debut
This is the fourth volume of the You-Zitsu light novel series.



From the popular creator duo comes the fourth volume of the new school revelation!!

The first part of the special test on summer vacation ― Survival on the deserted island had finished successfully. The stage moved to group battle on a luxurious cruise ship. The test content in the second half has changed ― Brain game, where mind power will be put to the test. All students from A-Class to D-Class were divided into 12 groups named after 12 zodiac signs, each group has to discover a "VIP" person that exists within other groups.

While the students were surprised by how the exam was disrupting the mindset of competition between the classes, the elite students from each class like Katsuragi and Ryūen had grasped the aim of the exam and begun moving behind the scenes.

Meanwhile, Kiyotaka noticed something uncommon with his classmate Kei Karuizawa from the same group――?! "I'm―――a parasite, a weak creature that can't live alone." Settlement of the past can't be buried.

Comes the fourth volume of the new school revelation!![1]

English (Seven Seas version)

Signs of Trouble

The second half of the special summer test finds the students duking it out aboard a luxurious cruise ship. Divided into twelve groups patterned after the signs of the Zodiac, all four classes are faced with a devilishly difficult test of their thinking skills. They may have survived the island, but they're not out of hot water yet![2]

List of Chapters

  • Prologue: "Karuizawa Kei's Soliloquy" (軽井沢恵の独白, Karuizawa Kei no Dokuhaku)
  • Chapter 1: "The Gentle Days…" (穏やかな日常は突然に……, Odayakana Nichijō wa Totsuzen ni……)
  • Chapter 2: "An Infinite Variety of Wishes" (千差万別の想い, Sensabanbetsu no Omoi)
  • Chapter 3: "Double Question" (ダブルクエスチョン, Daburu Kuesuchon)
  • Epilogue: "Each and Every Difference" (それそれの差, Sore Sore no Sa)

List of Short Stories


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You-Zitsu Series
Light Novel Prequel Volume 0
Year 1 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 4.5Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 7.5Volume 8Volume 9Volume 10Volume 11Volume 11.5
Year 2 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 4.5Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8Volume 9Volume 9.5Volume 10Volume 11Volume 12Volume 12.5
Manga Year 1 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8Volume 9Volume 10Volume 11Volume 12
Year 2 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4
Anime Season 1 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4
Season 2 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4
Season 3 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4
Spin-off √Horikita (Volume 1Volume 2) • Other School Days
Databooks Character Profile (Volume 1Volume 2) • Starter BookAkihabara Posters1st Year Guidebook
Art Books Tomoseshunsaku Special Art WorksTomoseshunsaku Art WorksArt Fan Book Winter 2017The End: First Year Arc Box — Tomoseshunsaku Art WorksYou-Zitsu: Second Year Arc Start — Tomoseshunsaku Art Works
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