You-Zitsu Wiki


You-Zitsu Wiki
You-Zitsu Wiki
You-Zitsu Light Novel Volume 6
Book Data
 Authors Shōgo Kinugasa (Story)
Tomoseshunsaku (Illustration)
 Volume No. 7
 Series You-Zitsu
 Pages 328
 Cover Teruhiko Yukimura
Haruka Hasebe
 Release Date May 25, 2017 (JP)
October 13, 2020 (EN)
July 23, 2020 (EN, Digital)
 ISBN 978-4-0406-9231-9 (JP)
978-1-6450-5751-2 (EN)
 Previous Volume 5
 Next Volume 7
Character Debut
This is the overall seventh volume of the You-Zitsu light novel series.



TV anime broadcast starts in July 2017!

The sports festival ends as the weather turns cold in mid-October. The student council president seat is now assumed by Nagumo, the former vice-president, after the induction ceremony.

While Ayanokōji was sensing the arrival of a new era, his classmate Maya Satō brought him to a hallway. "Are you currently dating anyone, Ayanokōji-kun? Can we exchange phone numbers?" were directed at him as words of confession. As a result of his success in the sports festival, Ayanokōji gained an increasing amount of attention, signaling a large development.

A special exam draws near. The final exam. How will D-Class make it through the complicated test of pair system and paper shuffle that will make students drop out of school every year?

From the popular creator duo comes the sixth volume of the new school revelation!![1]

English (Seven Seas version)

Shaking Things Up

There's upheaval in the air as another special exam approaches and Nagumo officially replaces Manabu Horikita as student council president. Meanwhile, Ryūen is out for blood, and he's set his sights on Suzune Horikita as the next possible candidate for Class D's mysterious mastermind![2]

List of Chapters

  • Prologue: "Kushida Kikyō's Soliloquy" (櫛田桔梗の独白, Kushida Kikyō no Dokuhaku)
  • Chapter 1: "The Changing Class D" (変わっていくDクラス, Kawatteiku Dī Kurasu)
  • Chapter 2: "The Paper Shuffle" (ペーパーシャッフル, Pēpā Shaffuru)
  • Chapter 3: "C-Class Makes its Move" (動き出すCクラス, Ugokidasu Shī Kurasu)
  • Chapter 4: "A Means of Escape" (活路の兆し, Katsuro no Kizashi)
  • Chapter 5: "The Ayanokōji Group's Formation" (結成・綾小路グループ, Kessei・Ayanokōji-Gurūpu)
  • Epilogue: "The Difference in Determination" (決断の違い, Ketsudan no Chigai)

List of Short Stories


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You-Zitsu Series
Light Novel Prequel Volume 0
Year 1 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 4.5Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 7.5Volume 8Volume 9Volume 10Volume 11Volume 11.5
Year 2 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 4.5Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8Volume 9Volume 9.5Volume 10Volume 11Volume 12Volume 12.5
Manga Year 1 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8Volume 9Volume 10Volume 11Volume 12
Year 2 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4
Anime Season 1 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4
Season 2 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4
Season 3 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4
Spin-off √Horikita (Volume 1Volume 2) • Other School Days
Databooks Character Profile (Volume 1Volume 2) • Starter BookAkihabara Posters1st Year Guidebook
Art Books Tomoseshunsaku Special Art WorksTomoseshunsaku Art WorksArt Fan Book Winter 2017The End: First Year Arc Box — Tomoseshunsaku Art WorksYou-Zitsu: Second Year Arc Start — Tomoseshunsaku Art Works
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