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You-Zitsu Wiki
You-Zitsu Light Novel Volume 7.5
Book Data
 Authors Shōgo Kinugasa (Story)
Tomoseshunsaku (Illustration)
 Volume No. 9
 Series You-Zitsu
 Pages 296
 Cover Kei Karuizawa
 Release Date January 25, 2018 (JP)
March 23, 2021 (EN)
February 4, 2021 (EN, Digital)
 ISBN 978-4-04-069675-1 (JP)
978-1-6450-5975-2 (EN)
 Previous Volume 7
 Next Volume 8
Character Debut
None in this volume
This is the second short story collection as well as the overall ninth volume of the You-Zitsu light novel series.



This is a short story of a winter vacation that began on the night before Christmas Eve, December 23rd.

Kei Karuizawa becomes conscious of Ayanokōji who saved her from the curse of her past and towards her friend, Maya Satō, who asks her for advice regarding her Christmas date with Ayanokōji. Furthermore, Ayanokōji himself contacts Karuizawa to ask her for details about Satō!? Those actions of Ayanokōji, are they simply an interest towards the opposite sex or is it so that he can also use Satō?

"Oh jeez! What does that guy want?" Right before Christmas, Karuizawa's anxiety could not be appeased.

Meanwhile, Ayanokōji is in touch with several people in preparation for the new semester. Honami Ichinose's weak aspect, the darkness involving the new Student Council president Miyabi Nagumo. New information that heralds upcoming tumultuous events――!?[1]

English (Seven Seas version)

Mistletoe And Machinations

School may be on vacation, but the scheming never stops! As Christmas draws near, Karuizawa and Satō compete for Ayanokōji's affections while the new student council president Nagumo makes his first sinister move. Don't miss this bonus volume of short stories, covering the events of the winter break that will decide the balance of power in the upcoming third semester![2]

List of Chapters

  • Prologue: "First Winter" (初めての冬, Hajimete no Fuyu)
  • Chapter 1: "Love’s Arrow " (恋の矢, Koi no Ya)
  • Chapter 2: "Ibuki Mio’s Disastrous Day" (伊吹澪の災難な一日, Ibuki Mio no Sainanna Ichi Nichi)
  • Chapter 3: "How We Spend Our Time" (それそれの過ごし方, Sore Sore no Sugoshi Kata)
  • Chapter 4: "The Turbulent Double Date" (波乱のWデート, Haran no Daburu Dēto)
  • Epilogue: "Where the Arrow Landed" (矢の行方, Ya no Yukue)

List of Short Stories


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You-Zitsu Series
Light Novel Prequel Volume 0
Year 1 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 4.5Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 7.5Volume 8Volume 9Volume 10Volume 11Volume 11.5
Year 2 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 4.5Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8Volume 9Volume 9.5Volume 10Volume 11Volume 12Volume 12.5
Manga Year 1 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8Volume 9Volume 10Volume 11Volume 12
Year 2 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4
Anime Season 1 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4
Season 2 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4
Season 3 Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4
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