You-Zitsu Wiki


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You-Zitsu Wiki

Masumi Kamuro ( (かむ) () () (すみ) , Kamuro Masumi) is a student of Class 1-A and a member of the Art Club who is usually seen together with Arisu Sakayanagi.


Masumi Kamuro Anime Appearance

Masumi Kamuro's full appearance.

Masumi has thigh-length purple hair that is tied in a long ponytail on the right side with bangs to the right side and purple eyes.

She is mostly seen wearing a standard female school uniform.


Masumi is a very honest and loyal girl who hasn't done any damage to the interests of the class. She is close with Arisu Sakayanagi, and willingly follows her orders. She is known to be a shoplifter.


Masumi was first seen walking with Arisu Sakayanagi in the school's back alley while holding an umbrella for her.[1]

Later, on the school cruise ship she was seen at the 4-star restaurant, along with several other students who are presumably from Class 1-A, as they were staring at one of the students from Class 1-D, who grabbed another student from A-class, who started mocking them because of being in the lower class.

She was also the one on the phone with Arisu, as the latter was seen to be setting the school trip out, due to her illness, playing chess at the library. Arisu then asked Masumi to investigate some students for her.[2]

in Volume 6, Sakayanagi can be seen teasing Kamuro and also indicates that Kamuro is ordered to monitor Kōhei Katsuragi but after he withdrew from the contest of leadership for Class-A Sakayanagi ordered Kamuro to monitor Ayanokōji next.[3]

In Volume 7.5 Kamuro searches for Sakayanagi and finds her having a chat with Ayanokōji at the mall. Upon meeting them, Sakayanagi asked Kamuro about her thoughts on Honami Ichinose, to which she replied that she thought Honami was an honors student, however, Sakayanagi told her that Honami had the same problem as her. Since Kamuro's evaluation of Honami was high she didn't believe that, but later, Sakayanagi asked Kamuro why she hadn't asked the reason that Sakayanagi was discussing strategies with Ayanokōji which she found suspicious.[4]

LN Vol 09-08

In Volume 9, she told Ayanokōji how she had met Sakayanagi. A week after the entrance ceremony, Kamuro had just left a convenience store when she met Sakayanagi. Sakayanagi accompanied her upon leaving and then asked her if she had been shoplifting. Even though Kamuro denied it, Sakayanagi continued her inductive reasoning towards Kamuro's action due to which she could not deny anymore and pulled out the can of beer that she had stolen. Observing the current situation she told Sakayanagi to just report her action to the school but Sakayanagi rejected it and told Kamuro that she had grown to like her, and asked her to be her first friend. She then said that in return for some favors, she would turn a blind eye to Kamuro's shoplifting that time and in future instances as well. Sakayangi told Kamuro that her instructions would be anything but boring and can replace the thrill Kamuro found in shoplifting. Later, it is revealed by Ayanokōji in his reasoning that Kamuro was used by Sakayanagi to lure him to take action to save Ichinose by telling him about what Kamuro and Ichinose both had earlier done.[5]


Academic Abilities

Name Etymology

  • The name Masumi consists of kanjis that mean "real, genuine" (真) (ma) and "clear, pure" (澄) (sumi).
  • Masumi's surname Kamuro consists of kanjis that mean "god, deity" (神) (ka) and "room, greenhouse/icehouse, cellar" (室) (muro).


  • Masumi shares the same student identification number with Mio Ibuki.
  • For the 2nd Year arc, When asked about her aspirations for the next year, Masumi answered 'Not really... If I have to say something, to look after that girl who easily goes astray, perhaps? Sounds stupid though.'[6]


Light Novel Appearances

1st Year 2nd Year

Anime Appearances

1st Year

Season 1
Episode 1 Absent
Episode 2 Absent
Episode 3 Absent
Episode 4 Absent
Episode 5 Absent
Episode 6 Debut
Episode 7 Appears
Episode 8 Appears
Episode 9 Absent
Episode 10 Flashback
Episode 11 Absent
Episode 12 Appears
Season 2
Season 2 Episode 1 Absent
Season 2 Episode 2 Absent
Season 2 Episode 3 Absent
Season 2 Episode 4 Absent
Season 2 Episode 5 Absent
Season 2 Episode 6 Absent
Season 2 Episode 7 Absent
Season 2 Episode 8 Absent
Season 2 Episode 9 Absent
Season 2 Episode 10 Appears
Season 2 Episode 11 Appears
Season 2 Episode 12 Absent
Season 2 Episode 13 Absent
Season 3
Season 3 Episode 1 Appears
Season 3 Episode 2 Absent
Season 3 Episode 3 Appears
Season 3 Episode 4 Absent
Season 3 Episode 5 Appears
Season 3 Episode 6 Appears
Season 3 Episode 7 Absent
Season 3 Episode 8 Appears
Season 3 Episode 9 Absent
Season 3 Episode 10 Absent
Season 3 Episode 11 Absent
Season 3 Episode 12 Absent
Season 3 Episode 13 Absent

Manga Appearances

1st Year

Volume 11
Room 53 Absent
Room 54 Absent
Room 55 Absent
Room 56 Absent
Room 57 Debut
Room 58 Absent
Room 59 Absent
Room 60 Absent
Volume 12
Room 61 Absent
Room 62 Absent
Room 63 Absent
Room 64 Appears
Room 65 Absent
Room 66 Absent
Room 67 Absent
Room 68 Appears

2nd Year


  1. You-Zitsu Anime — Episode 6
  2. You-Zitsu Anime — Episode 8
  3. You-Zitsu Light Novel — "Arisu Sakayanagi's Everyday: Behind the Scenes of the End of Term Exams Chapter" Short Story
  4. You-Zitsu Light Novel — Volume 7.5
  5. You-Zitsu Light Novel — Volume 9
  6. Promotional Akihabara Posters

Site Navigation

[v  e]
1st Year Arc: Class 1-A
Homeroom Teacher Tomonari Mashima
Class Representatives Arisu SakayanagiKōhei Katsuragi
Students Masumi KamuroYahiko TotsukaMasayoshi HashimotoHayato KitōMiki YamamuraTakurō MorishigeKōji MachidaTakemoto ShigeruShinji MatobaRyōko NishikawaKoharu YanoKenta YoshidaHaruka NishiNaoki ShimizuYasumi SawadaIkkei ShimazakiShinobu FukuyamaYūsuke IshidaSatoru SatonakaHiroshi SugioMao TaniharaEmi TamiyaTaiga TsukasakiShihori TsukajiShigeru TobaRiko NakajimaChikako MotodoiMomoe RokkakuInōeMorimiyaAi MorishitaKōsei Sanada
[v  e]
2nd Year Arc: Class 2-A
Homeroom Teacher Tomonari Mashima
Class Representative Arisu Sakayanagi
Students Masumi KamuroMasayoshi HashimotoHayato KitōMiki YamamuraTakurō MorishigeKōji MachidaShigeru TakemotoShinji MatobaRyōko NishikawaKoharu YanoKenta YoshidaHaruka NishiNaoki ShimizuYasumi SawadaIkkei ShimazakiShinobu FukuyamaYūsuke IshidaSatoru SatonakaHiroshi SugioMao TaniharaEmi TamiyaTaiga TsukasakiShihori TsukajiShigeru TobaRiko NakajimaChikako MotodoiMomoe RokkakuMomoe RokkakuInōeMorimiyaAi MorishitaKōsei Sanada
Changed Sections
(Transfer out)
Kōhei Katsuragi (To Class 2-B)
[v  e]
Sakayanagi Faction
Leader Arisu Sakayanagi
Members Masumi KamuroMasayoshi HashimotoHayato Kitō