Differences between anime and LN[]
- In the Light Novels, prior to Volume 3, Kiyotaka's personality is that of a regular high school student who is aware of his surroundings and wants to get along with his classmates. He doesn't reveal his dark side until the end of Volume 3. In the anime, however, he is emotionless from the beginning, making his actions look contradictory to what they were intended to in the Light Novels.
- In the Light Novels, the exact number of private points owned by the characters weren't shown, but in the anime, each character's private points are shown at the end of each episode next to the cast column of the ED.
- In the Light Novel, there are 40 students per class. In the anime, there are only 25 per class.
- In the Light Novels, Sae Chabashira has a tendency to withhold important information from Class 1-D, while in the anime, she hasn't displayed that trait.
- Horikita has a significantly expanded presence in the anime compared to the light novels.
Volume 1[]
Episode 1[]
Scenes Changed during the Adaptation[]
- Kiyotaka Ayanokōji and Suzune Horikita introduce themselves to each other in their classroom on the day of the entrance ceremony, while in the anime they did so in a convenience store after school on the day of the entrance ceremony.
- Ayanokōji first met Ken Sudō in the convenience store after school on the day of the entrance ceremony where he paid for the Ramen Sudōbought and made him his acquaintance.
- Manabu Horikita's first appearance in the Light novels is him giving a speech during the Student Club Fair, while in the anime he was first shown giving a speech during the Entrance Ceremony.
Scenes Cut during the Adaptation[]
- The introductions of Kokoro Inogashira and Rokusuke Kōenji before Ayanokōji introduced himself.
- The pool scene where the boys of Class 1-D bets on the biggest breast size of the girls.
- Ayanokōji hanging out with Kanji Ike, Haruki Yamauchi, Kikyō Kushida, Yōsuke Hirata, Kei Karuizawa, Nene Mori, and Chiaki Matsushita after their classes end.
Episode 2[]
Scenes Changed during the Adaptation[]
- Kyōsuke Okitani, coming to join Horikita's study group along with Kushida was not shown in the anime.
- The one who brought up the topic of Ayanokōji's scores to Suzune Horikita was Chabashira Sae as opposed to Manabu Horikita in the anime.
- In the LNs, Manabu Horikita was going to drop his sister on the concrete floor, as opposed to driving a punch in her guts as in the anime.
Scenes Cut during the Adaptation[]
- Class 1-D's confusion after being branded as Failures and discussion that follows.
- The conversation that took place between Horikita, Sae Chabashira and Ayanokōji in the faculty room.
- The first meeting of Ayanokōji and Chie Hoshinomiya and the first appearance of Honami Ichinose in the faculty room.
- Chabashira deliberately forgetting to tell about change in syllabus for the mid-terms.
Episode 3[]
Scenes Changed during the Adaptation[]
- Horikita created her study group for a second time in the LNs, while in the anime she only gave a book with her notes to Sudō.
- Kushida's dark side is revealed to Ayanokōji on the rooftop of the school building as opposed to at the park side in the anime.
- In the LNs, there was a fight between Sudō and Yamawaki from Class 1-C. In the anime, the fight occurred between Sudō and Kakeru Ryūen, Daichi Ishizaki and Kyōgo Komiya of Class 1-C .
Scenes Cut during the Adaptation[]
- Ayanokōji having lunch with Kushida and talking about the hot guy ranking between the first-year girls.
- Horikita apologizing to Sudō for calling his dreams worthless.
Story Chronology changes[]
- Manabu Horikita makes his first appearance after Horikita and Ayanokōji go to the student club fair in the LNs.. In the anime, he appears before class in the entrance ceremony.
- The results of the mid-term test were announced at the end of Episode 2 in the anime while it should chronologically be in Episode 3.
- In the LNs, Kushida's dark side is revealed after the failure of Horikita's first study group, while in the anime it was revealed after Ayanokōji and Horikita managed to save Sudō from expulsion.
Volume 2[]
Episode 4[]
Scenes Changed during the Adaptation[]
- Ike, Horikita, Kushida, Yamauchi, Ayanokōji and Sudō discussed how to proceed with the incident in the cafe in the LNs, while in the anime they talked about it in Ayanokōji's room.
- Kakeru Ryūen ordering Yamada Albert to beat Daichi Ishizaki is an anime original
Scenes Cut during the Adaptation[]
- Sudō telling Ayanokōji and Kushida about his fight with Class 1-C students in Ayanokōji's room.
- Ike, Kushida, Yamauchi and Ayanokōji going to Class 1-B in search of a witness.
- The talk about using 20,000,000 private points to change class mentioned by Chabashira.
- Class 1-D refusing to help Sudō after Sakura ran off saying she didn't witness anything.
- Kōenji and Sudō's argument in the classroom.
- Ayanokōji and Horikita running into Sakura in the special building.
- Horikita and Ayanokōji meeting Ichinose Honami in the special building and agreed to make her their ally.
- Horikita and Ayanokōji's conversation in his room.
- Ayanokōji meeting Ichinose in the lobby and going to school together.
Episode 5[]
Scenes Changed during the Adaptation[]
- In the LNs, Kushida tells Ike, Yamauchi and Ayanokōji about Shizuku in Ayanokōji's room rather than telling just Ayanokōji in the anime.
Scenes Cut during the Adaptation[]
- Kushida's phone call to Ayanokōji for meeting Sakura to repair her camera.
- Ayanokōji calling the professor in the electronics store.
- Sakura calling Ayanokōji.
- Ayanokōji telling Sae Chabashira about Sakura being the witness in the faculty room.
- Ayanokōji meeting Sakura alone in her room.
- Ayanokōji walking with Sakura to the club activities building.
Episode 6[]
Scenes Changed during the Adaptation[]
- In the LN, Ayanokōji reads Shizuku's stalker's comment of instead Sakura reading it in the anime.
- The talk between Ryūen and Arisu at the end of the episode didn't happen in LN.
- It was Kiyotaka Ayanokōji and Honami Ichinose in Volume 2 that threatened the students of Class 1-C with the fake surveillance camera to clear the suspicion of Ken Sudō's violence as opposed to Kiyotaka and Horikita Suzune in anime.
- In the anime, Sakura Airi confronted her stalker alone, and Ayanokōji waited till the very end to appear with Honami, while in the LNs, they intervene sooner, pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend to threaten the stalker into leaving Sakura alone.
- They let the stalker go without calling the police to arrest him in the LNs, unlike the anime, where the stalker was arrested by the guards.
Scenes Cut during the Adaptation[]
- Horikita explaining her strategy to use a fake camera to Ichinose and Kanzaki.
Story Chronology changes[]
- Ayanokōji and Horikita going to the special building in search of clues happened chronologically earlier.
Episode 7[]
- Most of the episode was an anime original. It is loosely based on Volume 4.5 of the light novels, which happens much later in the series chronologically.
Anime Original Scenes[]
- All the scenes with Characters using Wabun code and Flag semaphore were anime originals with no mention in the light novels.
- The scene with confrontation between Arisu Sakayanagi and Kakeru Ryūen, with the appearance of Manubu Horikita stopping did not happen in the light novels.
- Suzune Horikita's speech made from the pool stand about ascending to Class A was an anime original.
Scenes Changed during the Adaptation[]
- The operation was named Operation: Delta in the LNs as opposed to Operation: Young Lust.
- Kanji Ike, Haruki Yamauchi and Ken Sudō met in Kiyotaka Ayanokōji's room to discuss about Operation: Delta instead of in a raining alley in the anime.
- Hideo Sotomura wasn't actively involved in the plan in the light novels while he had been added as the Headquarters for the "Operation: Young Lust".
- The plan for peeping was using an RC car and not a camera as in the anime.
- They play beach volleyball instead of water volleyball in the anime.
- Ike, Yamauchi and Sudō never left the side of the girls after changing their clothes until they left for the dorms, while in the anime, they stepped away multiple times to set the camera.
- Kiyotaka Ayanokōji and Kei Karuizawa prevented Operation: Delta by in Volume 4.5, while Kiyotaka Ayanokōji and Suzune Horikita prevented it in the anime.
- After the resolution, Ayanokōji pushes Kei into the pool as opposed to Suzune in the anime.
Scenes Cut during the Adaptation[]
- Miyabi Nagumo drawing attention from the girls while playing water volleyball.
- The bet between Class 1-D (1st Year) and Class 1-B (1st Year) for a free lunch is missing in the anime.
- Multiple plot relevant discussions between Ayanokōji and Kei Karuizawa are skipped due to the events taking place sooner in the anime.
- The talk between Horikita and Ayanokōji regarding the challenges they would face in next semester.
- Arisu Sakayanagi, who first appeared in Volume 5, had already appeared in the anime which was only animated till Volume 3.
- The existence of White Room is revealed for the first time in Volume 5, but it's shown much sooner in the anime.