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Ah, I am so beautiful and melding with the exquisite environment around me enhances my stellar looks. I am the pinnacle of beauty.
— Rokusuke Kōenji, Episode 9

Rokusuke Kōenji (高円 (こうえん) () 六助 (ろくすけ) , Kōenji Rokusuke) is one of the students of Class 1-D who comes from a well-known family of scholars. However, he ended up in Class-D for his egotistical behavior.


Rokusuke is a tall and well-built young man with straight shoulder-length blonde hair and maroon-gradient eyes.

He is often seen wearing the standard school uniform.


Rokusuke comes across as arrogant, self-entitled, and overconfident, no doubt due to his family's wealthy status and pedigree. When he was first introduced, he speaks to Kikyō Kushida with a contemptuous and sarcastic gentleman-like way of speaking while refusing to move from his position even though there was an elderly lady in need of a seat.

Rokusuke's egotistical and pompous nature and his inability to work with others can be a foil as it is what landed him in D-Class in the first place but he appears to not pay it any mind. He looks down on his classmates as shown when he taunted Ken Sudō about his imminent possible expulsion after his fight with C-Class. His self-inflated view of himself was further shown when on the cruise, he repeatedly complimented his looks in a mirror and when he refused to dry himself since it was menial work unworthy of him, causing onlookers to scorn at his blatant narcissism.

Unsurprisingly, Rokusuke has a self-serving and vainglorious nature as he later abandoned his class during the survival test so that he would not have to participate in it which caused the class to lose points. He showed no remorse in and after the act, revealing how selfish he can truly be at times. In some aspects, he is quite similar if not worse than Kiyotaka, where he doesn’t like to be disturbed and treasure his own personal time. He also couldn’t care less of what others thinks of him nor does he care what happens to them as long as nothing happens to him.

Unlike the other students in his class, he does not worry himself about earning points as his family can simply buy them for him.

Rokusuke's personality and abilities allows him to be completely unaffected by any sort of attack or threat as he just laughs it off or turns the tables around on his attackers.

Rokusuke has a habit of nicknaming others like:

  Spoiler warning: Plot from light novel beyond official English releases details follow. Click here to show spoilers.

He is just as egotistical in the light novels, showing no care for any one but himself.

He seems to have a caring, gentlemanly side since he lifted Mei when she falls off, while getting displeased at Hirata for carelessly causing it without apologizing. It is unknown why he helped Mei, as he had no reason or gain from this. However, he still showed his prideful side by saying that Hirata was an annoying sight and tells him to not be in his line of sight. [1]

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In Episode 1, he is first introduced on the bus, where he speaks to Kikyō Kushida. Here he refuses to move from his position even though there was an elderly lady in need of a seat. Eventually another person volunteers their seat.

Rokusuke volunteered to join Yōsuke Hirata's plan to explore. He passed through the forest by doing an acrobatic-movement along the trees, outpacing Kiyotaka Ayanokōji and Airi Sakura enough to vanish from sight range. He then dropped out of the camp by swimming and escaping to a nearby ship, causing a loss of 30 S-points to D-Class. At night, he complimented the beauty of the moon, while on the island his classmates were upset.[2]

After the class returns from the island, Rokusuke compliments them on coming back victorious once they uncovered all the class leaders. Ken confronts him on ditching them, as he laughs this and defends his act by stating he was ill and needed to recover, while the class were not convinced.[3]

  Spoiler warning: Plot from light novel beyond official English releases details follow. Click here to show spoilers.

Rokusuke's plan for getting into Class A revolved around having third year students give him their private points, in exchange for monetary reinbursements by his family once they graduated. Since Kōenji was listed as the future president of his family's company, many students seem to have agreed to this deal. This strategy is, however, in jeopardy since Miyabi Nagumo figured out his strategy by observing Kōenji and is now going to introduce school rules that will prevent the implementation of such a strategy.[4]

LN Vol 11-08

Rokusuke picking up Mei from the ground

In Light Novel Volume 11, he watches Yōsuke Hirata push Mei to the ground, and gets annoyed at Hirata. He provokes him, saying that he was an annoying sight and tells him to not be in his line of sight. When Hirata tries to grab his collar, Rokusuke easily stops his arm. He then lets go of Hirata's arm and picks up Mei, who had been lying on the ground, and takes her towards the dormitories, where he watches her go into the elevator. He then sits on the lounge, and calls out Kiyotaka, who had been following them, and had given Mii-chan her bag, which had fallen off, earlier. When asked by Kiyotaka about why he'd fought with Hirata, Rokusuke replied that Hirata's presence was like "a fly, very irritating".[1]   Spoilers end. Click here to hide spoilers.


Academic Abilities

Rokusuke is adept in his academics as he was able to score a passing grade on the mid-term. He was one of the few people who didn't take and memorize the old test answers from Kikyō Kushida. According to Honami Ichinose, the leader of Class B, Rokusuke is one of the few students in Class D that should be watched out for, implying that he could be somewhat of a threat even to those of the advanced classes. However, his poor character is an impediment for his class, limiting his chances of demonstrating his true capabilities.

  Spoiler warning: Plot from light novel beyond official English releases details follow. Click here to show spoilers.

In the light novels, Rokusuke is shown to possess great observation skills. In Volume 4, During the Cruise Ship Special Test, Rokusuke, without much effort, correctly guessed the 'VIP' of his group (Monkey), in less than a day.

Rokusuke is shown to have great intuition as he was immediately able to deduce that Kiyotaka Ayanokōji was the 'X' person that is rumored to rule D Class from behind the scenes. This was deduced just after Ayanokōji gripped his arm.This is especially notable as the entire C-class was applauded by such a notion and found it unbelievable before Kiyotaka showed his true abilities.

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Physical Abilities

As seen in Rokusuke's physique, he is very athletic as it was shown in the first volume of the light novel, that he's the fastest swimmer in his class, with a speed of 2.153 meters/second, which is considered to be on the tier of the World's best swimmers needing the amalgamation of techniques, precision and considerable strength. After taunting Ken Sudō and almost getting into a brawl, Kiyotaka Ayanokōji remarked that if Ken had attacked him, Rokusuke would have retaliated and defended himself, hinting that he is a more than the average fighter but that has yet to be seen.

He has great speed and acrobatic skills as shown when he went ahead of his class in the forest by jumping from tree to tree in the survival test.

  Spoiler warning: Plot from light novel beyond official English releases details follow. Click here to show spoilers.

In volume 5, Kōenji easily blocked Ken's punch with just the palm of his hand. According to Kiyotaka, who witnessed the entire scene play out, Sudō wasn't holding back in his attack. However, Rokusuke was still able to effortlessly block a punch from a relatively strong opponent. He also has good reflexes, easily preventing Hirata from grabbing his collar by stopping his arm.

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Name Etymology

  • The name Rokusuke consists of kanjis that mean "six" (六) (roku) and "assistance" (助) (suke).
  • Rokusuke's surname Kōenji consists of kanjis that mean "temple, shrine, palace" (高) (), "circle" (円) (en) and "temple" (寺) (ji).


  • As D-Class is a class for people with defective traits, Rokusuke has an egotistical nature and his inability to work with others.
  • For the 2nd Year arc, when asked about his aspirations for the next year, he answered 'Aspirations? I have nothing of that sort. I just want to be myself and continue to spend my days of FREEDOM.'[5]


Light Novel Appearances

1st Year 2nd Year

Anime Appearances

1st Year

Season 1
Episode 1 Debut
Episode 2 Flashback
Episode 3 Appears
Episode 4 Appears
Episode 5 Absent
Episode 6 Absent
Episode 7 Flashback
Episode 8 Appears
Episode 9 Appears
Episode 10 Absent
Episode 11 Absent
Episode 12 Appears
Season 2
Season 2 Episode 1 Appears
Season 2 Episode 2 Appears
Season 2 Episode 3 Absent
Season 2 Episode 4 Appears
Season 2 Episode 5 Appears
Season 2 Episode 6 Absent
Season 2 Episode 7 Appears
Season 2 Episode 8 Appears
Season 2 Episode 9 Appears
Season 2 Episode 10 Absent
Season 2 Episode 11 Appears
Season 2 Episode 12 Absent
Season 2 Episode 13 Flashback
Season 3
Season 3 Episode 1 Appears
Season 3 Episode 2 Absent
Season 3 Episode 3 Absent
Season 3 Episode 4 Absent
Season 3 Episode 5 Absent
Season 3 Episode 6 Appears
Season 3 Episode 7 Appears
Season 3 Episode 8 Appears
Season 3 Episode 9 Appears
Season 3 Episode 10 Appears
Season 3 Episode 11 Absent
Season 3 Episode 12 Absent
Season 3 Episode 13 Absent

Manga Appearances

1st Year

Volume 1
Room 0.5 Absent
Room 1 Debut
Room 2 Absent
Room 3 Mentioned
Room 4 Absent
Room 5 Flashback
Volume 2
Room 6 Absent
Room 7 Appears
Room 8 Absent
Room 9 Absent
Room 10 Absent
Volume 4
Room 15 Absent
Room 16 Absent
Room 17 Appears
Room 18 Fantasy
Volume 5
Room 19 Flashback
Room 20 Absent
Room 21 Absent
Room 22 Absent
Volume 7
Room 28 Appears
Room 29 Absent
Room 30 Absent
Room 31 Mentioned
Room 32 Appears
Volume 8
Room 33 Mentioned
Room 34 Mentioned
Room 35 Absent
Room 36 Absent
Room 37 Absent
Room 38 Absent
Volume 9
Room 39 Absent
Room 40 Absent
Room 41 Absent
Room 42 Fantasy
Room 43 Absent
Room 44 Absent
Room 45 Absent
Volume 10
Room 46 Absent
Room 47 Absent
Room 48 Absent
Room 49 Absent
Room 50 Mentioned
Room 51 Absent
Room 52 Absent
Volume 11
Room 53 Absent
Room 54 Absent
Room 55 Absent
Room 56 Absent
Room 57 Absent
Room 58 Appears
Room 59 Appears
Room 60 Absent
Volume 12
Room 61 Absent
Room 62 Absent
Room 63 Appears
Room 64 Appears
Room 65 Mentioned
Room 66 Absent
Room 67 Absent
Room 68 Absent
Volume 13
Room 69 Absent
Room 70 Mentioned
Room 71 Absent
Room 72 Absent

2nd Year


  1. 1.0 1.1 You-Zitsu Light Novel — Volume 11
  2. You-Zitsu Anime — Episode 9
  3. You-Zitsu Anime — Episode 12
  4. You-Zitsu Light Novel — Volume 8
  5. Promotional Akihabara Posters

Site Navigation

[v  e]
1st Year Arc: Class 1-D
Homeroom Teacher Sae Chabashira
Class Representatives Suzune HorikitaYōsuke Hirata
Students Kiyotaka AyanokōjiKikyō KushidaAiri SakuraKei KaruizawaRokusuke KōenjiKen SudōKanji IkeHaruki YamauchiTeruhiko YukimuraAkito MiyakeHaruka HasebeMei-Yu WangKokoro InogashiraMaya SatōHideo SotomuraChiaki MatsushitaSatsuki ShinoharaKayano OnoderaNene MoriWataru IjūinRyōtarō HondōSōshi MiyamotoKyōsuke Okitani
[v  e]
2nd Year Arc: Class 2-D
Homeroom Teacher Sae Chabashira
Class Representatives Suzune HorikitaYōsuke Hirata
Students Kiyotaka AyanokōjiKikyō KushidaAiri SakuraKei KaruizawaRokusuke KōenjiKen SudōKanji IkeTeruhiko YukimuraAkito MiyakeHaruka HasebeMei-Yu WangKokoro InogashiraMaya SatōHideo SotomuraChiaki MatsushitaSatsuki ShinoharaKayano OnoderaNene MoriWataru IjūinRyōtarō HondōSōshi MiyamotoKyōsuke Okitani