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You-Zitsu Room 33
Chapter Info
 Authors Yuyu Ichino (Manga)
Shōgo Kinugasa (Original Story)
Tomoseshunsaku (Character Drafts)
 Chapter No. 34
 Volume Volume 8
 Series You-Zitsu
 Pages 25
 Cover Kikyō Kushida
Kei Karuizawa
Suzune Horikita
Airi Sakura
 Release Date November 26, 2018
 Novel Volume 4
 Previous Room 32
 Next Room 34
Character Debut
None in this chapter

This is the overall thirty-fourth chapter of You-Zitsu manga series.


Kiyotaka had gone to the deck of the cruiser at Sakura's request to talk. When he arrives, he finds her practicing some kind of confession. He greets her to which she panics and asks if he heard what she just said. Kiyotaka denies hearing anything and asks why she called him. Trying to hide her panic, Sakura says that she was nervous about the special exam and shows him a list of the members of her group, the Cow Group. Shown on the list were two boys from Class D, Sudō and Ike, and after understanding why she felt this way, he apologizes to her for not being able to help her in that matter. He then asks if Yamauchi had tried to ask her out these last few days, to which she replies that he has not. The reason for asking this question was because Kiyotaka had promised to give him Sakura's mail on the island, but so far he hasn't. Once their conversation is over, he reminds her that she can call him if she needs anything else, and she leaves to go back to her room.

Out of the blue, Yamauchi walks up to Kiyotaka and asks why he had been talking to Sakura, implying that he was trying to date her. After replying that he wasn't asking her out, he questions him if he really thought someone as lonely as him would know her email address. Yamauchi concludes that the reason Kiyotaka was talking to her was to find out her mail but since he hadn't got it yet, Yamauchi decides to ask for it himself. Kiyotaka warns him that Sakura dislikes boys who only knows how to talk, and if he's not careful, he'll also end up being hated by her similarly. Additionally, he says that her camera had broken and she didn't have enough points to fix it, so if he does well on this special exam and got enough points, he woud be able to buy her the camera she wants. Hearing that, Yamauchi is determined to pass the exam in order to get closer to Sakura.

After their second group meeting is over, Kiyotaka returns to his room where he is greeted by Hirata, who was already there. Hirata then informs him that he has got some new information: two VIPs contacted him. He then said that he has been discussing with Yukimura the possibility of VIPs being evenly distributed in each class. If so, that would mean that there is still one more VIP left in Class D. The conversation is interrupted by a cell phone call to Hirata, who mentions that recently many students have been consulting him due to the sudden end of the Monkey group. He leaves the room to answer the call, leaving Kiyotaka alone. The latter begins to think and considers that he will have to ask for the support of Hirata and Kushida to pass the exam, but after a moment, dismisses the idea. He then decides that it would be best to go out and get some fresh air.

Back on the deck, Kiyotaka comments to himself that the scenery of the night cruise can't compare to those illustrations he used to see in books. He notices that there was a female student alone looking at the view, and after seeing her for a bit, he realizes who she is. As he was about to return, the said student noticed his presence and called out to him. The lone student was none other than Kushida. Kiyotaka asked her what she was doing there, and she replied that she decided to come on deck because she couldn't sleep well. She adds that even though she felt a little lonely, she felt happy now. He didn't know how to respond, and a bit sheepishly, he says he'll go back to his room. Suddenly, and without any explanation on her part, Kushida asks him to wait and hugged Kiyotaka's chest.


In order of appearance:

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You-Zitsu Manga Series
1st Year Arc Volume 1 Room 0.5Room 1Room 2Room 3Room 4Room 5
Volume 2 Room 6Room 7Room 8Room 9Room 10
Volume 3 Room 11Room 12Room 13Room 14
Volume 4 Room 15Room 16Room 17Room 18
Volume 5 Room 19Room 20Room 21Room 22
Volume 6 Room 23Room 24Room 25Room 26Room 27
Volume 7 Room 28Room 29Room 30Room 31Room 32
Volume 8 Room 33Room 34Room 35Room 36Room 37Room 38
Volume 9 Room 39Room 40Room 41Room 42Room 43Room 44Room 45
Volume 10 Room 46Room 47Room 48Room 49Room 50Room 51Room 52
Volume 11 Room 53Room 54Room 55Room 56Room 57Room 58Room 59Room 60
Volume 12 Room 61Room 62Room 63Room 64Room 65Room 66Room 67Room 68
Uncollected Chapters Room 69Room 70Room 71Room 72
2nd Year Arc Volume 1 Room 1Room 2Room 3Room 4Room 5Room 6
Volume 2 Room 7Room 8Room 8.5Room 9Room 10Room 11Room 12
Volume 3 Room 13Room 13.5Room 14Room 15Room 16Room 17EX:1, EX:2
Volume 4 Room 18Room 19EX:3EX:4-1EX:4-2EX:4-3
2nd Stage Uncollected Chapters Room 1
Other Omake