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You-Zitsu Room 36
Chapter Info
 Authors Yuyu Ichino (Manga)
Shōgo Kinugasa (Original Story)
Tomoseshunsaku (Character Drafts)
 Chapter No. 37
 Volume Volume 8
 Series You-Zitsu
 Pages 26
 Cover Honami Ichinose
 Release Date February 27, 2019
 Novel Volume 4
 Previous Room 35
 Next Room 37
Character Debut
None in this chapter

This is the overall thirty-seventh chapter of You-Zitsu manga series.


As they were playing cards, the speaker announced the end of another meeting for the Rabbit group. Honami says goodbye and tries to take her leave. As she was leaving, Tetsuya Hamaguchi, one of her classmates, asks her where she is going. She declares that she is going to talk to Katsuragi because she can't let Class A continue to not participate in the meetings.

Walking down the hall, Honami asks Kiyotaka if he decided to tag along because he was also interested in Katsuragi. He denies her and informs her that the reason he is tagging along is because Suzune is also in the Dragon group. When they arrive at the Dragon group's designated room, the two observe that the discussions were still ongoing even though their meeting period is over. As they wondered what the Dragon group was doing, Katsuragi walks out the door. Honami turns to him and asks for a moment to talk; she knows that he had asked the Class A students not to participate in their respective groups' discussions and asks him to reconsider his decision. Katsuragi denies her and explains that this was part of a strategy he had devised for his class to win. Honami believes that this exam is based on the dialogue between members of a group to find out who was the target; however, his strategy made this unfeasible. He corrects her by saying that this exam is about thinking, and considering that, he decided to put aside the discussions. She hints that his strategy seems to reject the exam, but Katsuragi asks her not to misunderstand him and says that he only wants to maintain Class A's position in this exam and the ones that are to come. Having heard enough, he states that she won't be able to change his mind and ends the talk. While leaving, Katsuragi remarks that if she were in his position, she would have done the same.

Honami and Kiyotaka decide to wait together for their partners. A while later, Hirata and Kushida come out of the room and greet them both. Kushida comments that seeing them together is a strange combination, and Honami asks if Kanzaki and Suzune are still inside. Kushida replies that they were still discussing something with Ryūen and invites them to have alook inside. Although Honami had planned to wait for them to finish, Kushida's insistence won her over. Once inside, Ryūen greets her and asks her if she came to reconnaissance. She admits that she is interested in knowing what they have been talking about. He explains to her that he knows that she should have been part of the Dragon group, with the rest of the outstanding students. Honami points out that it was the school that decides how the groups were formed, but Ryūen interrupts her by saying that the teachers were the ones who decide the formations of the groups. He adds that there should be a reason why she, despite being the leader of Class B, was not included in the Dragon group. She doesn't find this information all that surprising, but thanks him for giving it to her anyway. Ryūen briefly mocks Kiyotaka for always hiding behind a woman: first Suzune and now Honami.

Ryūen then proposes Honami to have a tri-class alliance against Class A for this exam. He explains that they would share the list of the targets from their respective classes and launch an attack against Class A. He adds that if they don't trust him they could sign a contract. To this, Horikita denies forthright and says that if anyone betrays them, they would even know who it was due to the nature of the exam. Ryūen tells Horikita that he understands that she cannot accept the deal since she didn't have the means to. He adds that Class A was divided into two factions and Class D lacked teamwork, so this strategy was only viable in Class B and C. He assures Honami that her plan can work even if only two classes cooperate and ask her if she is willing to accept it.


In order of appearance:

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You-Zitsu Manga Series
1st Year Arc Volume 1 Room 0.5Room 1Room 2Room 3Room 4Room 5
Volume 2 Room 6Room 7Room 8Room 9Room 10
Volume 3 Room 11Room 12Room 13Room 14
Volume 4 Room 15Room 16Room 17Room 18
Volume 5 Room 19Room 20Room 21Room 22
Volume 6 Room 23Room 24Room 25Room 26Room 27
Volume 7 Room 28Room 29Room 30Room 31Room 32
Volume 8 Room 33Room 34Room 35Room 36Room 37Room 38
Volume 9 Room 39Room 40Room 41Room 42Room 43Room 44Room 45
Volume 10 Room 46Room 47Room 48Room 49Room 50Room 51Room 52
Volume 11 Room 53Room 54Room 55Room 56Room 57Room 58Room 59Room 60
Volume 12 Room 61Room 62Room 63Room 64Room 65Room 66Room 67Room 68
Uncollected Chapters Room 69Room 70Room 71Room 72
2nd Year Arc Volume 1 Room 1Room 2Room 3Room 4Room 5Room 6
Volume 2 Room 7Room 8Room 8.5Room 9Room 10Room 11Room 12
Volume 3 Room 13Room 13.5Room 14Room 15Room 16Room 17EX:1, EX:2
Volume 4 Room 18Room 19EX:3EX:4-1EX:4-2EX:4-3
2nd Stage Uncollected Chapters Room 1
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