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You-Zitsu Wiki
You-Zitsu Room 59
Chapter Info
 Authors Yuyu Ichino (Manga)
Shōgo Kinugasa (Original Story)
Tomoseshunsaku (Character Drafts)
 Chapter No. 60
 Volume 11
 Series You-Zitsu
 Pages 12
 Cover Suzune Horikita
 Release Date March 27, 2021
 Novel Volume 5
 Previous Room 58
 Next Room 60
Character Debut
None in this chapter

This is the overall sixtieth chapter of You-Zitsu manga series.


The next day, Hirata suggested that the boys measure their grip strength and use the rankings to determine the line-up for representative-only events. Sudō displayed a grip strength of 82.4 kg, leaving others awed. As Kōenji refused to participate in the grip strength test, it was Kiyotaka's turn to measure his strength. Trying not to attract unwanted attention, Kiyotaka asked Sudō about the average grip strength of a student. Sudō stated that the average should be a little higher than 50. Kiyotaka held the measuring device and applied just enough power to get a reading close to 50 kg. When Hirata saw his reading, he commented on how strong Kiyotaka was. Kiyotaka downplayed it, claiming that his strength was that of an average student, but Hirata corrected him, stating that the average was actually around 45 kg. He regrets consulting with someone like Sudō because, as a result of his error, he is now regarded as one of the strongest boys in his class. Hirata suggests that they participate in the tug of war event in order of their grip strength. Hirata then proposes to decide the participants of the Treasure Hunt event with a game of rock, paper, and scissors.

To his dismay, Kiyotaka ended up winning two rounds of rock-paper-scissors accidentally, and was therefore chosen for the Treasure Hunt event. When Suzune approaches him and inquires as to why he was wearing such a gloomy face, he informs her that he has been chosen to take part in some representative-only events. She believes it was unavoidable given the large disparity between athletic and non-athletic students. Sudō turns to them and asks Suzune, addressing her by her first name, if she has a moment. She told him not to call her by her first name because she didn't want anyone who wasn't close to her to refer to her as 'Suzune.' So he proposed that if he did well in the sports festival, she would allow him to call her by her name. She responds by questioning why she should accept her offer. Sudō recalls that she saved him from expulsion not long after they started at the school. As a result, he says that he would like to date her before abruptly stopping and saying that he would like to be good friends first. Suzune accepts his proposal, despite not understanding what he meant. Sudō was visibly thrilled. However, she insists that he comes first, not only in Class D but the whole first year, and even warns him that if he fails, he will be forbidden from ever calling her by her name again.

Class D began preparing for the sports festival by holding a race amongst themselves. Kiyotaka commended Sakura for putting in so much effort, despite the fact that she was visibly exhausted and gasping for breath. Sudō, on the other hand, was determined to demonstrate his abilities and always finished first in all races. Kushida complimented him on his speed. He thanked her, but confessed that he had no idea what would happen if he had to run against Kōenji. Kiyotaka recalls Kōenji swimming seriously for the first time during swimming classes and easily beating Sudō's time. However, Kushida still thought of Sudō as cool and even suggested that he be the leader of Class D for the Sports festival. Hirata agreed with her since he acknowledged Sudō's physical ability. Sudō disagreed because he does not believe he is capable of leading. However, Suzune argues that even though he was not as good as Hirata at giving directions to others, she still understands why they want to appoint him as leader and informs them that she will not oppose it if he agrees. He eventually accepted and became the leader as a result of her words.


In order of appearance:

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You-Zitsu Manga Series
1st Year Arc Volume 1 Room 0.5Room 1Room 2Room 3Room 4Room 5
Volume 2 Room 6Room 7Room 8Room 9Room 10
Volume 3 Room 11Room 12Room 13Room 14
Volume 4 Room 15Room 16Room 17Room 18
Volume 5 Room 19Room 20Room 21Room 22
Volume 6 Room 23Room 24Room 25Room 26Room 27
Volume 7 Room 28Room 29Room 30Room 31Room 32
Volume 8 Room 33Room 34Room 35Room 36Room 37Room 38
Volume 9 Room 39Room 40Room 41Room 42Room 43Room 44Room 45
Volume 10 Room 46Room 47Room 48Room 49Room 50Room 51Room 52
Volume 11 Room 53Room 54Room 55Room 56Room 57Room 58Room 59Room 60
Volume 12 Room 61Room 62Room 63Room 64Room 65Room 66Room 67Room 68
Uncollected Chapters Room 69Room 70Room 71Room 72
2nd Year Arc Volume 1 Room 1Room 2Room 3Room 4Room 5Room 6
Volume 2 Room 7Room 8Room 8.5Room 9Room 10Room 11Room 12
Volume 3 Room 13Room 13.5Room 14Room 15Room 16Room 17EX:1, EX:2
Volume 4 Room 18Room 19EX:3EX:4-1EX:4-2EX:4-3
2nd Stage Uncollected Chapters Room 1
Other Omake