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You-Zitsu Wiki
You-Zitsu Room 61
Chapter Info
 Authors Yuyu Ichino (Manga)
Shōgo Kinugasa (Original Story)
Tomoseshunsaku (Character Drafts)
 Chapter No. 62
 Volume 12
 Series You-Zitsu
 Pages 15
 Cover Suzune Horikita
Kikyō Kushida
 Release Date May 27, 2021
 Novel Volume 5
 Previous Room 60
 Next Room 62
Character Debut
None in this chapter

This is the overall sixty-second chapter of You-Zitsu manga series.


While talking about the result of the Cruise Ship Special Test, Kiyotaka informed Suzune that Ryuuen had to be involved. He goes on to say that he has a theory about how Ryuuen did it. When questioned, Kiyotaka claims that there was another person involved who helped Ryuuen. While explaining his hypothesis, Kiyotaka stated that neither Horikita nor Hirata would betray Kushida's identity as a VIP, but this was not the case for Kushida. Horikita argued that Kushida would gain nothing by revealing her true identity, to which Kiyotaka responded that they didn't know for sure because there could be backroom deals and such.

Horikita stated that doing so would be disadvantageous to the class and questioned whether Kushida would truly betray her class for a temporary gain. In turn, Kiyotaka mentions that Horikita and Kushida had a special friendship and asks Horikita if she knows of anything that could lead to Kushida betraying the class. When Horikita protested that she did not have any special relationship with Kushida, Kiyotaka objected, saying that Kushida may have betrayed them because of Horikita, and that she should root out any traitors or they would hinder their class. Kiyotaka informed Horikita that she was free not to join him and Kushida the next day but asked her to think carefully about what they discussed.

Kiyotaka, Ike, Sudou, and Yamauchi were hanging around in Kiyotaka's room the next day when Ike asked Sudou if he planned to confess to Horikita. When Ike asked if Haruki was interested in hearing about it, Yamauchi began to look around awkwardly. Kiyotaka remembered Yamauchi being rejected by Airi after confessing to her over summer break. Sudou replied to Ike that it would depend on how well he performed in the sports festival. While they were discussing the sports festival, Kiyotaka asked Ike if he had heard anything about Class 1-A's Arisu Sakayanagi. Ike informed him that she hasn't been part of any rumours, but he has heard that she is the leader of Class A. Kiyotaka hastily left when they started talking about girls again. He ran across Kushida in the lobby as he exited the dorm elevator. As they were discussing how this was their second meeting like this, the first being for midterm papers, Horikita arrived and apologised for keeping them waiting .


In order of appearance:

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You-Zitsu Manga Series
1st Year Arc Volume 1 Room 0.5Room 1Room 2Room 3Room 4Room 5
Volume 2 Room 6Room 7Room 8Room 9Room 10
Volume 3 Room 11Room 12Room 13Room 14
Volume 4 Room 15Room 16Room 17Room 18
Volume 5 Room 19Room 20Room 21Room 22
Volume 6 Room 23Room 24Room 25Room 26Room 27
Volume 7 Room 28Room 29Room 30Room 31Room 32
Volume 8 Room 33Room 34Room 35Room 36Room 37Room 38
Volume 9 Room 39Room 40Room 41Room 42Room 43Room 44Room 45
Volume 10 Room 46Room 47Room 48Room 49Room 50Room 51Room 52
Volume 11 Room 53Room 54Room 55Room 56Room 57Room 58Room 59Room 60
Volume 12 Room 61Room 62Room 63Room 64Room 65Room 66Room 67Room 68
Uncollected Chapters Room 69Room 70Room 71Room 72
2nd Year Arc Volume 1 Room 1Room 2Room 3Room 4Room 5Room 6
Volume 2 Room 7Room 8Room 8.5Room 9Room 10Room 11Room 12
Volume 3 Room 13Room 13.5Room 14Room 15Room 16Room 17EX:1, EX:2
Volume 4 Room 18Room 19EX:3EX:4-1EX:4-2EX:4-3
2nd Stage Uncollected Chapters Room 1
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