You-Zitsu Wiki


You-Zitsu Wiki
You-Zitsu Wiki

WARNING! This article contains information from the light novel.
Do not read beyond this point if you want to avoid being spoiled.

Special Exam ( (とく) (べつ) () (けん) , Tokubetsu Shiken) are the exams conducted in Advanced Nurturing High School to determine the class standings in a school year and for the lower classes to earn enough class points and rise to a higher class.

1ST Year Special Batch[]

List of Exams[]

1st Year[]

Special Exams conducted during the 1st Year Arc of in the You-Zitsu series.

2nd Year[]

Special Exams conducted during the 2nd Year Arc of in the You-Zitsu series.

Site Navigation[]

[v  e]
You-Zitsu Events
1st Year Case of Assault IncidentDeserted Island Special TestCruise Ship Special TestSports FestivalPaper ShuffleMixed Training CampThe Class PollEvent Selection Exam
2nd Year Partner ExamUninhabited Island ExamUnanimous Vote Special Exam