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The Sports Festival is an annual sports competition held at Advanced Nurturing High School joined by its students ranging all year levels. This test mainly aims to assess and hone the physical ability of students and how they fair against others.


  1. The sports festival's competitive system is built upon dividing all school years between the Red Team and the White Team.
    • Class A and Class D will be on the Red Team.
    • Class B and Class C will be on the White Team
  2. Allocation of points for all participants in the competitions (Individual Contests)
    • 1st placer gets 15 points
    • 2nd placer gets 12 points
    • 3rd placer gets 10 points
    • 4th placer gets 8 points
    • 1 point each will be deducted for placing lower than 5th place.
  3. In the case of team competitions, the winning team will be allocated 500 points.
  4. Allocation of points for participants of recommended competitions
    • 1st placer gets 50 points
    • 2nd placer gets 30 points
    • 3rd placer gets 15 points
    • 4th placer gets 10 points
    • 2 points each will be deducted for placing lower than 5th place
      • The relay which will be the final contest will be awarding 3 times the points.
  5. The impact of the outcome of Red Team vs. White Team
    • From the totality of all the school years the losing team will have 100 points equally subtracted from their class points across all school years.
  6. The impact of separate ordering of school years
    • The class that takes 1st place will be awarded 50 class points.
    • The class that takes 2nd place will not have any change to their class points.
    • The class that takes 3rd place will have 50 class points deducted.
    • The class that takes 4th place will have 100 class points deducted.




Year Level White Team Red Team
Freshman 1-B 1-C 1-A 1-D

Event Proper[]

Game Masterlist[]

Individual Sports Contests Team Participation Contests
  • 100-m sprint
  • Scavenger hunt race
  • 200-m sprint
  • 4-way tug of war
  • Hurdle race
  • 3-legged race 10?cb=2017100502444112?cb=20171005024423
  • Obstacle course
  • Joint 1200-m relay 10?cb=2017100502444112?cb=20171005024423
  • 3-legged race
  • Pole Toppling 10?cb=20171005024441
  • Tamaire 12?cb=20171005024423
  • Tug of war 10?cb=2017100502444112?cb=20171005024423
  • Cavalry fight

Game Participation List[]

100-m sprint[]

200-m sprint[]

Hurdle race[]

Obstacle course[]

3-legged race[]

Pole Toppling[]


Tug of war[]

Cavalry fight[]

Scavenger hunt race[]

4-way tug of war[]

3-legged race[]

Joint 1200-m relay[]

Class Member Line-Up


Specific exam points and rankings for 2nd and 3rd years is an Anime-Only detail.

Team Basis[]

Team Points[N 1] Class Points
Red Team 9724pts [Reward]: ⚫ (0)
White Team 9643pts [Penalty] ▼ (-100)

Overall Rankings[]

Year Level Class Rank[N 1] Exam Points[N 1] Class Points
Senior 3-A 2nd 1904pts ▲ (+50)
3-B 3rd 1812pts ▼ (-100)
3-C 10th 1446pts ▼ (-200)
3-D 8th 1552pts ▼ (-50)
Sophomore 2-A 1st 1936pts ▲ (+50)
2-B 6th 1651pts ▼ (-150)
2-C 11th 1386pts ▼ (-200)
2-D 5th 1663pts ⚫ (0)
Freshman 1-A 9th 1455pts ▼ (-50)
1-B 4th 1740pts ▼ (-50)
1-C 7th 1608pts ▼ (-100)
1-D 12th 1244pts ▼ (-100)

Class Basis[]

Year Level Class Rank[N 1] Exam Points[N 1] Class Points
Senior 3-A 1st 1904pts ▲ (+50)
3-B 2nd 1812pts ▼ (-100)
3-C 4th 1446pts ▼ (-200)
3-D 3rd 1552pts ▼ (-50)
Sophomore 2-A 1st 1936pts ▲ (+50)
2-B 3rd 1651pts ▼ (-150)
2-C 4th 1386pts ▼ (-200)
2-D 2nd 1663pts ⚫ (0)
Freshman 1-A 3rd 1455pts 874 ▼ (-50)
1-B 1st 1740pts 753 ▼ (-50)
1-C 2nd 1608pts 542 ▼ (-100)
1-D 4th 1244pts 262 ▼ (-100)

References & Notes[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Anime-Only Detail

Site Navigation[]

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