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Takuya Yagami ( () (がみ) (たく) () , Yagami Takuya) is a character from the 2nd Year Arc of the You-Zitsu series. He is a student of Class 1-B in Advanced Nurturing High School.


Takuya has brown hair and green eyes, along with a usual gentle appearance. He is commonly shown wearing the standard male school uniform.


On the exterior, Takuya is described to be a person who is very soft-spoken and gentle towards the people he meets. He is depicted as reliable, charming, and altruistic. He is also courageous, as he could speak directly with Kazuomi Hōsen and guide the conversation peacefully, despite Hōsen's violent nature. Takuya also seems to hold a certain level of attention towards Kikyō Kushida. His true self, however, is someone who harbors a much darker personality, as he is described to be "a devil with a kind face" by Kushida herself. He doesn’t like resorting to physical violence, but isn’t above using it as a last resort. Despite being sent to the school for a mission, he only truly cares about beating Kiyotaka Ayanokōji as he believes that's the only surefire way to prove himself to be superior to him.

He appeals to students' desires to manipulate them into relying on him and his sole decision-making. This is demonstrated when he manipulated Riku Utomiya into teaming up with him by expelling his classmate and framing it on Hōsen, when he used Kushida by making her think he would help her expel Ayanokōji and Suzune Horikita and when he offered to help Maya Satō get together with Ayanokōji. Yagami's true character is very dark in contrast to his façade, even Ichika Amasawa, the only other character that has known him since the White Room, is afraid to blink around him in fear of possibly getting assaulted.

When the result of his imminent expulsion became clear, his true personality came to light. He completely disregarded his old facade, lashing out at teachers, students and friends alike, making it clear that he will physically take down anyone who steps in his way. He also carries an aura of continued arrogance and pride after his image was shattered, showing how much he believes in his own abilities.

He was revealed to be from the White Room, so he is aware of other White Room students such as Kiyotaka Ayanokōji and Ichika Amasawa. This coincides with his goal to force Kiyotaka to return to the White Room by any means necessary, making him one of the most dangerous individuals in the school.


Takuya was first introduced in Volume 1 of 2nd Year. He was seen watching the fight between Kazuomi Hōsen and the other 2nd years before Hōsen calls him out directly. Takuya counters by saying that it was better to stay out of trouble. Soon enough, a teacher arrives to stop the fight, which proved his point. Takuya then apologises for Hōsen's actions to the 2nd years and notices Kikyō Kushida afterward, who he claims to be his senpai in middle school. Excited, he greets her before asking if they can become partners for the special exam. Kushida decides to hold off on her decision, which leads to Takuya offering to wait for her until she decides.

Later on, when Class 2-D attempted to gain the cooperation of Class 1-B, Takuya agrees to it on the condition that he and Kushida became partners in the exam.[1]

In Volume 3 of 2nd Year, he partners up with Kushida in an attempt to expel Kiyotaka Ayanokōji. He suggested that she record the fight between Kiyotaka and Tsubasa Nanase to achieve their shared goal.[2]


Among the 6 new freshmen introduced in the Second Year Arc, Takuya has the highest overall score in the OAA by a slim margin from the second-highest scorer, Tsubasa Nanase. He is also well known for having an A in Academic Ability and is acknowledged by Riku Utomiya as someone to be wary of. He has been said to have won against Ichika numerous times during their bouts in the White Room. In Volume 12.5 of the 2nd Year, Atsuomi had stated that Takuya was still considered an exceptional student, even when compared to other generations in the White Room.

Intellectual Abilities

Yagami's intellectual prowess is not one to underestimate. Yagami was able to memorize the backgrounds and information of 156 students, including that of their immediate family and friends. He was able to traverse the school grounds undetected by Ayanokōji even after making direct contact with him. He became the leader of his class within a few weeks/months of enrollment. He forced a classmate of Riku Utomiya into expulsion and framed it on Kazuomi Hōsen, ⁣ because he correctly predicted that Utomiya would team up with him to attempt to prevent further expulsions. He then used this to plant himself as a spectator to Sakurako Tsubaki's plan to get Ayanokōji expelled, which he predicted would fail but spectated anyway in order to root out Ayanokōji's allies. His first encounter with Kikyō Kushida was all planned out by him with the purpose of forcing Kushida to pretend as if she knows him to maintain her public image of honesty. Had this plan gone wrong, his façade would've been seen through by Ayanokōji at a much earlier stage. He managed to convince Kushida that he was from her middle school for some time because of the initial information he had of her background.

Yagami was able to predict the 5th question of the Unanimous Voting exam, like Kiyotaka Ayanokōji did, to make a plan to expel Ayanokōji and Horikita. Using his prediction, he gave instructions for Kikyō Kushida to follow in an attempt to get Ayanokōji and Suzune Horikita expelled, which surprised Ayanokōji to the point of admittedly feeling irrational for the first time ever. He also deduced the outcome of his plan after observing the behavioral pattern of Kushida in relation to those around her. Yagami was able to predict a conversation between him and the other class leaders of the first-year classes, in which he exposed Kushida's past a day before it happened. Takuya also set a trap for Sakurako Tsubaki's instincts to follow, and made her believe that he was hiding something intentionally, without her understanding who was truly in control of the situation. He was informed about Tsubasa Nanase's plan to fight Ayanokōji in advance and had Kushida follow them around to record their fight to have a bargining chip against Ayanokōji in the high chance that the "White Room" gets talked about in that fight. He also planted Kurachi near them as bait for Ayanokōji to follow, had he done a GPS search to figure out who was trying to record him. Though Ayanokōji sees through Yagami's trap, Nanase falls for it and teams up with Ryūen, who was trying to find the culprit who injuring Kyōgo Komiya and his comrades just like Takuya had anticipated, into following Kurachi who then led them to Utomiya, who wouldn't be able to reveal anything due to his deal with Takuya.

Physical Abilities

Yagami's physical abilities are superior to that of Ichika Amasawa's to the point that she's afraid to blink around him in order to not get hit. Yagami was still able to effortlessly perception blitz Amasawa even though she was being openly vigilant, thought it was from an extremely short distance. He threatened to break her to the point of no recovery. Amasawa was stated to have combat power superior to that of Nanase, Ryūen and Sudō in a conversation between Nanase and Ayanokōji. Ichika Amasawa stated Yagami should be able to compete even with the likes of Ayanokōji (The only basis she could have for this is their data from the White Room, which was innaccurate, however, it does imply that she believes Yagami to be stronger than the likes of Tsukishiro/Shiba as she had knowledge of the battle between them on Ayanokōji). After learning that his expulsion was irreversible, Yagami effortlessly dodged the kick of and took down Mio Ibuki, who was behind him, with a single blow without turning around, rendering her immobile. He also easily took out Tomonari Mashima, ⁣who was stated to have a superior physique according to Suzune Horikita. She also stated that even Kakeru Ryūen wouldn't have been able to stop Yagami, even though the Ryūen was confident in his abilities.

Name Etymology

  • The name Takuya means "expand, open, support" (拓) (taku) and "to be, also" (也) (ya).
  • Takuya's surname Yagami means "eight" (八) (ya) and "god" (神) (kami/gami).


  • Takuya claims to be from the same middle school as Kikyō Kushida, this however, was ultimately shown to be a lie.
  • In the 2nd Year arc, when asked about his aspirations for the next year, he answered 'To analyze this school's system and conquer it. That will become the foundation for an order in the first years.'[3]


  1. You-Zitsu Light Novel — 2nd Year Volume 1
  2. You-Zitsu Light Novel — 2nd Year Volume 3
  3. Promotional Akihabara Posters

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