Teruhiko is a young man of average height with grey hair, red eyes and round glasses.
He is usually seen in the standard school uniform.
Originally, Teruhiko looked down on the rest of the class 1-D and is not athletic at all. Later on, he accepts what he is missing and tries to help two certain students study for a test.
He does not like his first name Teruhiko, given to him by his mother who left their family. He prefers the name his father gave him: Keisei (啓誠, Keisei).
He is rather dull when it comes to romance since he never experienced such a thing. For him, romance is just some "vulgar world things".
He is also seems to be a type of guy that easily loses his temper, such when he met Sakayanagi and declared that his class is going to win, and when he found out about Kiyotaka's true ability with the fact that he's hiding he's true ability.
Teruhiko has been studying from childhood so he didn't have time to make friends. His mother left their family for unknown reasons, which causes him to resent her for leaving the family and him. He does not like his first name Teruhiko, given to him by his mother as she left their family and prefers the name given to him by his father: Keisei (啓誠, Keisei) and asks Ayanokōji Group to use the same.
In Episode 9, Teruhiko was seen arguing with other classmates, girls especially, about how to use the points allocated for the island exam.[1] He was later seen in Episode 12 with the whole class, astonished to the special exam outcome.[2]
Spoiler warning: Plot from light novel beyond official English releases details follow. Click here to show spoilers.
The first discussion of the Cruise Ship Special Test was about to begin. Yukimura was seen talking with Sotomura in front of the appointed room. He expressed his disgust at Sotomura's way of talking before he stormed away from him. During the group discussion, Yukimura had agreed that the group should cooperate and clear the exam through the first outcome. However, when Machida proposed an idea not to talk at all until the exam was finished so that there wouldn't be a traitor among the group, Yukimura began to waver and eventually accepted the plan. Though most of the members had agreed, Honami Ichinose pointed out a downside from that strategy, which was that it didn't give all the classes a fair chance to rise on the class rankings. That fact caused Yukimura to become stiff and feel frustrated with himself since he couldn't see the bigger picture. The discussion led the Class A students to isolate themselves from the rest of the group. As Honami tried to ally with the other three classes, Yukimura rejected the offer before stated that he couldn't trust her.
After the second discussion period ended for the night, Yukimura, Kiyotaka, and Yōsuke decided to share information regarding the test in their room. Having learned that Yōsuke already knew the VIPs among the classmates but refused to reveal them, Yukimura became upset and demanded Yōsuke to tell them, reasoning that it might give them some hint. Yōsuke eventually agreed to show them after Kiyotaka suggested telling their identity through his phone to be safe. The VIP students were Kushida in the Dragon group and Minami in the Horse group. Yukimura thought there could be another VIP student from Class D in the Rabbit group, with Hirata agreed. Meanwhile, Rokusuke Kōenji started humming from across the room, causing Yukimura to bolted out of his chair in frustration. He told Kōenji to stop his happy-go-lucky act and start to at least participate, he also reminded him not to screw everything up as he did back on the island. Kōenji said it was troublesome that the exam continues for two more days. He then took out his phone and fiddles with it. Suddenly, the others' phones rang as they received mail from the school: Kōenji group (Monkey)'s test had ended. Yukimura was irritated because it seemed Kōenji didn't take this exam seriously.
The following day, Yukimura was seen alone in the room when Kiyotaka just got back; he was sitting on the bed's edge, looking grave. When Kiyotaka asked what was happening, Yukimura bemoaned that they were stuck with Karuizawa and Sotomura in the group. In contrast, the Dragon group had the most excellent students assigned to it. Yukimura felt frustrated over his placing in the Rabbit group, which was stuck somewhere in the middle, as he thought that based on pure academic ability, he wasn't inferior to Hirata or Suzune. Yukimura then asked Kiyotaka whether he's the VIP, to which Kiyotaka denied it. However, Yukimura wasn't convinced and pressed the matter further by questioning if Kiyotaka wasn't being selfish and trying to hoard points for himself. Kiyotaka repeated his answer before asked Yukimura the same. Yukimura confirmed he's also not the VIP, and neither was Sotomura. Yukimura also asked Karuizawa who denied being the VIP, but he was inclined to doubt her words.
After one of the rabbit group meetings, Kiyotaka and Yukimura noticed that the Class C girls lead by Manabe were acting strange as they followed Kei outside their usual meeting room. Yukimura pointed out a weird vibe from the three to which Kiyotaka agreed. Yukimura wondered if they had a bone to pick with Kei. He grumbled that Kei was always making people hate her and their time should be used to find the VIP instead. However, he still agreed when Kiyotaka suggested following the girls. As they reached an emergency exit door, they saw Kei getting cornered and being confronted by Manabe and others. When Manabe's group began to use physical threats on Kei because she refused to apologize, Yukimura wanted to intervene, but Kiyotaka stopped him as he believed stopping the bullying from occurring would not guarantee that it would stop in the future. Manabe grabbed Kei's hair and yanked her head up, threatening to cut up her face. Yukimura, who couldn’t bear to watch it anymore, opened the door. Manabe tried to brush it off, however Kei told Yukimura that Manabe's group had abducted her and started getting violent. Yukimura tried to defend Kei by saying it would be better if they just let things go, but he suddenly fell silent under the weight of their glares. Kiyotaka stepped in and told the girls that a teacher had just passed by. After Manabe's group left, Yukimura asked if Kei was okay, but she slapped his hand away and told him to leave her alone, making him stepped back. As she angrily left the place, Yukimura was overwhelmed by Kei's sudden outburst, seemingly exhausted from the ordeal.
The final day of the exam came, Ichinose once again suggested playing cards. Yukimura asked if it was fine to just sit like this as he sighed, sounding disappointed. Ichinose mentioned that Yukimura was being a downer and ask him to have a rematch, to which Yukimura refused. He asked again if it was really okay because he thought Ichinose would lead the group through it. Ichinose retorted that he should rely on himself rather than someone else if he wanted to win. He answered that she had a good point. He understood fully well that he couldn't cope with having the responsibility thrust upon him, but despite that, he still wanted a way to change all of these.
During the final discussion period, Hamaguchi spoke up and suggested the group to show their phones so they could aim for the first outcome. He showed his phone with the school's mail on it. While some were concerned about it, others started to follow suit and showed their mail. As Kiyotaka was about to offer his phone too, Yukimura tried to stop him and said that this strategy wouldn't work, but to no avail. When Kei handed her phone over too, Yukimura was puzzled as he didn't think that she would be going along with this. Although everyone except the Class A students and Yukimura had proven themselves to not be the VIP, Yukimura remained silent. No longer able to deal with the pressure after they all stared at him, he finally gave in and agreed to show his phone. However, before he did so, he wanted them to promise him one thing, for anyone here not to turn traitor and demanded Class A to take out their phones too. They accepted and Yukimura admitted that he was the VIP student. He entered the six-digit password in his phone and lifted his phone up so everyone could see the mail.
After Machida checked Yukimura's private email and chat logs, everyone in the group believed that the VIP was Yukimura. Ichinose confirmed it further by explaining that copying and transferring email was forbidden in the rules, so there was a zero chance the email was a fake. Kiyotaka apologized to Yukimura for his last-minute idea, but Yukimura said it was probably for the best. He then begged them to cooperate with him. If they cleared the test together, everyone in their group would receive 500,000 points. However, Kiyotaka believed someone would turn traitor. Before the discussion, he had exchanged phones with Yukimura in secret, and if betrayal happened, then Class D students who had switched phones would obtain victory in the group.
Yukimura's phone suddenly rang, making him panic and dropped the phone. The phone screen fell face-up, revealing the caller ID was Ichinose. She picked the phone and gave it to Kiyotaka. She explained that Kiyotaka was the VIP and he had switched his phone with Yukimura's. Even though altering or copying the emails was forbidden, there was no rule saying that they couldn't trick people with the phone itself. And since phone numbers couldn't be swapped, Ichinose had used that to expose the plan. Yukimura turned pale as she spoke. The group meeting time was up. After Ichinose confirmed Kiyotaka was the VIP, she asked others for cooperation before they left. Yukimura was upset when Machida and others laughed at him, furthering the mockery. Yukimura fumed that he shouldn't go along with Kiyotaka's plan.
In Volume 6, he, along with three other classmates, formed a study group, the Ayanokōji Group. He was seen again, along with the other study group members, being questioned by Kakeru Ryūen about the identity of X, to which he answered that apart from Suzune Horikita, no one in the class could be X.[4]
He appears again in Volume 7, along with the group, in front of Keyaki Shopping Center. He was quite surprised after hearing from Haruka Hasebe that Kiyotaka planned on starting a romantic relationship, stating with his own words "vulgar world things" until the latter dissipated all the misunderstanding.[5]
In the Volume 8 Special Exam Mixed Training Camp, Yukimura was selected as the representative of his group. He became 4th in line of choosing a senior student group, and chose the one led by Miyabi Nagumo, after consulting with the other members. Their group was able to get marks above the average set by the school and avoid expulsion of the leader (himself).[6]
In Volume 11, Yukimura asked Kiyotaka Ayanokōji to help him in contacting Kōhei Katsuragi to gather information about Class-A's choice of events and persuade him to "throw" his matches against Class-D, if selected for an event, but he declined, as they didn't have anything in exchange for the favor. Yukimura was selected by Kiyotaka Ayanokōji for the Math Test event, in which he was able to secure the top spot, but the team lost by 631 points against Class-A's 655.[7]
In the light novel 2nd year volume 2, he is truly shock and mad about Ayanokoji's perfect math score, which is impossible because it is set by the school itself. He was impatiently waiting for Ayanokoji since he was called by Chabashira. When some of the classmates trying to calm Keisei, it only make him pissed even more because his friends illogical arguments. He reached the point where he couldn't take it anymore and started to believe that Ayanokoji is cheating. When Ayanokoji arrived, he immediately demands his explanation. When Horikita comes to Ayanokoji's aid, he aggressively spat at her saying that he's asking Ayanokoji not her. But Horikita calmly explains the situation to the class, saying that "hiding" Ayanokoji's true ability is part of her plan for the future of their class. Hirata also comes to assist her. Despite all Keisei's argument, Horikita calmly explains and answers it all. After the heat tension disappeared, the students left the class one by one, including Ayanokoji. But the Ayanokoji Group (Keisei, Airi, Haruka since Miyake left for his club activity) followed him from behind. When they confronted each other once more, Keisei stated that he will leave the group because he lost his trust towards Ayanokoji. But after Haruka and Airi intervene, Keisei said that he still needs time to think over. Keisei stated that if they want him to stay, then Ayanokoji must help him during the study session, which he gladly accepts. He was embarrassed when Airi and Haruka told them to reconcile by handshake.
Spoilers end. Click here to hide spoilers.Abilities
His historical testimonies include him having no problems in treating the classes seriously. With that matter at hand, it was clear that his academic records are sufficient enough to get him into the school of choice. Although his academic and intellectual skills are on par with those top students among his ranks, he has a tendency to judge people based solely on their academic performances. With this weakness alone, it is expected that he'll strengthen this aspect over the course of his stay in the school.
Intellectual Abilities
According to his interviewer and the homeroom teacher Sae Chabashira, his interview and written examination grades are all extremely excellent. This quirk was clearly manifested during the midterms examination where he got the top average score in his Class D.
Physical Abilities
Teruhiko has poor athleticism, which as a result causes him to have a poor physique and poor talent in physical activities.
Name Etymology
- The name Teruhiko consists of kanjis that mean "radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle" (輝) (teru) and "boy, prince" (彦) (hiko).
- His alias name Keisei consists of kanjis that mean "open, begin" (啓) (kei) and "sincerity" (誠) (sei).
- Teruhiko's surname Yukimura consists of kanjis that mean "happiness, good luck" (幸) (yuki) and "town, village" (村) (mura).
- As Class D is for those who have defective traits, Teruhiko's defect is his poor athleticism and tendency to solely judge people on their academic ability.
- Teruhiko shares the same student identification number with Albert Yamada.
- For the 2nd Year arc, when asked about his aspirations for the next year, he answered 'For the first and foremost, I want to raise my strong points. And then work hard to be able to contribute to my class.'[8]
Light Novel Appearances
1st Year 2nd Year
Anime Appearances
1st Year
Episode 1 | Debut |
Episode 2 | Appears |
Episode 3 | Appears |
Episode 4 | Appears |
Episode 5 | Absent |
Episode 6 | Absent |
Episode 7 | Absent |
Episode 8 | Appears |
Episode 9 | Appears |
Episode 10 | Appears |
Episode 11 | Appears |
Episode 12 | Appears |
Season 2 Episode 1 | Appears |
Season 2 Episode 2 | Appears |
Season 2 Episode 3 | Appears |
Season 2 Episode 4 | Appears |
Season 2 Episode 5 | Appears |
Season 2 Episode 6 | Appears |
Season 2 Episode 7 | Appears |
Season 2 Episode 8 | Appears |
Season 2 Episode 9 | Appears |
Season 2 Episode 10 | Appears |
Season 2 Episode 11 | Appears |
Season 2 Episode 12 | Appears |
Season 2 Episode 13 | Absent |
Season 3 Episode 1 | Appears |
Season 3 Episode 2 | Appears |
Season 3 Episode 3 | Appears |
Season 3 Episode 4 | Absent |
Season 3 Episode 5 | Appears |
Season 3 Episode 6 | Appears |
Season 3 Episode 7 | Appears |
Season 3 Episode 8 | Appears |
Season 3 Episode 9 | Appears |
Season 3 Episode 10 | Appears |
Season 3 Episode 11 | Absent |
Season 3 Episode 12 | Absent |
Season 3 Episode 13 | Absent |
Manga Appearances
1st Year
Room 15 | Absent |
Room 16 | Absent |
Room 17 | Debut |
Room 18 | Appears |
Room 19 | Absent |
Room 20 | Absent |
Room 21 | Appears |
Room 22 | Absent |
Room 28 | Mentioned |
Room 29 | Appears |
Room 30 | Appears |
Room 31 | Absent |
Room 32 | Appears |
Room 33 | Mentioned |
Room 34 | Absent |
Room 35 | Appears |
Room 36 | Appears |
Room 37 | Appears |
Room 38 | Appears |
Room 39 | Mentioned |
Room 40 | Absent |
Room 41 | Absent |
Room 42 | Absent |
Room 43 | Absent |
Room 44 | Absent |
Room 45 | Absent |
Room 46 | Appears |
Room 47 | Appears |
Room 48 | Appears |
Room 49 | Appears |
Room 50 | Absent |
Room 51 | Absent |
Room 52 | Absent |
Room 53 | Absent |
Room 54 | Absent |
Room 55 | Absent |
Room 56 | Absent |
Room 57 | Appears |
Room 58 | Appears |
Room 59 | Absent |
Room 60 | Absent |
Room 61 | Absent |
Room 62 | Absent |
Room 63 | Appears |
Room 64 | Absent |
Room 65 | Absent |
Room 66 | Absent |
Room 67 | Absent |
Room 68 | Absent |
2nd Year
Homeroom Teacher | Sae Chabashira |
Class Representatives | Suzune Horikita • Yōsuke Hirata |
Students | Kiyotaka Ayanokōji • Kikyō Kushida • Airi Sakura • Kei Karuizawa • Rokusuke Kōenji • Ken Sudō • Kanji Ike • Haruki Yamauchi • Teruhiko Yukimura • Akito Miyake • Haruka Hasebe • Mei-Yu Wang • Kokoro Inogashira • Maya Satō • Hideo Sotomura • Chiaki Matsushita • Satsuki Shinohara • Kayano Onodera • Nene Mori • Wataru Ijūin • Ryōtarō Hondō • Sōshi Miyamoto • Kyōsuke Okitani |
Homeroom Teacher | Sae Chabashira |
Class Representatives | Suzune Horikita • Yōsuke Hirata |
Students | Kiyotaka Ayanokōji • Kikyō Kushida • Airi Sakura • Kei Karuizawa • Rokusuke Kōenji • Ken Sudō • Kanji Ike • Teruhiko Yukimura • Akito Miyake • Haruka Hasebe • Mei-Yu Wang • Kokoro Inogashira • Maya Satō • Hideo Sotomura • Chiaki Matsushita • Satsuki Shinohara • Kayano Onodera • Nene Mori • Wataru Ijūin • Ryōtarō Hondō • Sōshi Miyamoto • Kyōsuke Okitani |
Leader | Kiyotaka Ayanokōji |
Members | Haruka Hasebe • Airi Sakura • Akito Miyake • Teruhiko Yukimura |