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You-Zitsu Art Fan Book Winter 2017
You-Zitsu: Art Fan Book Winter 2017
 Japanese ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ Art Fan Book 2017冬
 Rōmaji Yōkoso Jitsuryoku Shijō Shugi no Kyōshitsu e Āto Fan Bukku 2017 Fuyu
 Literal English Welcome to the Classroom of the Supreme Ability Doctrine: Art Fan Book Winter 2017
Book Data
 Pages 36
 Cover Honami Ichinose
Suzune Horikita
Arisu Sakayanagi
Kikyō Kushida
Airi Sakura
 Release Date December 29, 2017 (JP)

Yōkoso Jitsuryoku Shijō Shugi no Kyōshitsu e: Art Fan Book Winter 2017 (ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ Art Fan Book 2017冬, Yōkoso Jitsuryoku Shijō Shugi no Kyōshitsu e Āto Fan Bukku 2017 Fuyu, literally meaning "Welcome to the Classroom of the Supreme Ability Doctrine: Art Fan Book Winter 2017") is the first art fan book of You-Zitsu illustrated by various authors. It will be officially released at Comic Market 93 as one of Kadokawa booth's products on December 29, 2017.


The contents of this book consist of illustrations, and short stories manga by various authors.

Cover Illustration[]

By Yuyu Ichino


In order of listing:

  1. Arisu Sakayanagi By Tatami Honjō
  2. Honami Ichinose by Shintarō
  3. Airi Sakura by Sesenayau
  4. Arisu Sakayanagi by saraki
  5. Honami Ichinose by Akame Hinoshita
  6. Suzune Horikita by Tam-U
  7. Arisu Sakayanagi by M-da S-tarō
  8. Airi Sakura by Shimaji
  9. Kikyō Kushida and Suzune Horikita by Kotatsu
  10. Kikyō Kushida by Emi Ishida
  11. Airi Sakura by Yuki Sakura
  12. Suzune Horikita and Kikyō Kushida by Naki Hiraku


In order of listing:

  1. Everyone and Anyone (猫も杓子も, Nekomoshakushimo) By Suzume Somemiya
  2. Two sides of Kushida (二人の櫛田, Futari no Kushida) By Kyūzō Murashita

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